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Thursday, 21 July 2011

Deadline! Deadline!! Deadline!!!

As a teacher I've noted with dismay how some students pay little or no attention to coursework deadlines and as a consequence fall by the way side and eventually are kicked out of the course. What a shame! This ought not to be so!!

Deadlines are provided by teachers to guide learners systematically to a successful completion of their course. Therefore, individual task deadlines which are usually written on each task in the assignment brief or communicated to learners verbally should be adhere to by all students.  In addition to individual task deadlines, there are two important deadlines that students MUST take note of.  These are:


10th January, 2012


28th May, 2012

After the 28th of May, 2012 students will have one week to improve their work to either MERIT or DISTINCTION GRADES.


  • Attend lessons regularly
  • Be punctual to all lessons
  • Develop a well planned timetable
  • Always ask for help especially with tasks you find a bit challenging
  • Take ownership of your work and work independently at home and at college
  • Don't be distracted either by friends, iPod or your blackberry mobile phone - there's time for everything!
  • Be focus and determined
  • Have a passion for success

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Year 13 BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Business

A warm welcome back to old BTEC Business students and a big thank you to new students for chosing to further their business course at Crown Woods College. It's a great achievement to progress from year 12 to year 13 and even, greater accomplishment when you achieve the grades required to progress futher into the University or a career of your choice.

This academic year is going to be more rigorous than ever therefore, all students are required to work harder, remain focus and take ownership of their learning in order to complete all units successfully. The units to be taught in year 13 were carefully selected to provide learners with the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in various aspects of business.

  Units to be covered in year 13   

The following units must be completed before the 28th of May, 2012

Unit 9:  Creative Product Promotion
Unit 10: Market Research in Business
Unit 13: Recruitment and Selection in Business
Unit 16: Human Resource Management in Business
Unit 36: Starting a Small Business
Unit 38: Business and the Economic Environment.

  Year 13 Educational Visit   

To help students understand some of the key business concepts and also learn how these concepts and principles are applied in the real business world, educational visit to major business organisations shall be organised.  In the past, we've visit Cadbury factory at Birmingham where students were given a talk on market segmentation and methods of promotion. See picture below.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

BTEC Level 2 First Diploma

BTEC Students Working on a project

Students who intend to follow BTEC Level 2 First Diploma in Business course are generally expected to achieved 5 A* - G grades in their GCSE Exams.  This qualification is structured into Mandatory Units and optional units just as the BTEC Level 3 National Diploma. Students starting this course in September 2011 will study a total of ten units. Four mandatory units and six optional units.

  Mandatory Units  

Unit 1:  Business purposes  
Unit 2:  Business organisations
Unit 3:  Financial forcasting for business
Unit 4:  People in organisations

  Optional Units  

Unit 5:  Managing business event 
Unit 7:  Verbal and non-verbal communication in business contexts
Unit 8:  Business communication through documentation
Unit 12:  Business online
Unit 16:  Business enterprise
Unit 20:  Managing personal finance

In addition to key qualification students gained from this course, the course also provide them with practical experience and skills sort after by employers.  In the past, some of our BTEC level 2 students have worked with Barclays Bank on a research project to analyse Barclays' competitors and also conducted customer satisfaction survey to identify ways Barclays bank could improve on their customer service delivery.  The skills learned by these students during the project was valuable particularly, in the area of data analyses and presentation.  See picture below.

 Susan and Erika presenting to Barclays Bank Regional
   Manager and Senior staff at Bexley branch.
This course help students build self confidence and also help them understand how key business theories and concepts are applied in the real world and in the work place.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Why choose BTEC Business?

BTEC Courses have helped hundreds of thousands of learners progress to further study and employment by equipping them with the knowledge and necessary skills required both for further studies and by key employers.  Therefore, choosing to study for BTEC level 2 First Business qualification or BTEC level 3 National Business qualification is a great decision to make for many reasons. For example:
  • Any of the qualification will equip you for a career in a wide range of industries.
  • BTEC Level 3 National will provide you with a qualification needed for further studies in the University or FE colleges and for your chosen career. 
  • BTEC Courses are 100% Coursework; which means, you don't have to worry about exams.
  • BTEC Courses provides you the opportunity to work independently and can also monitor your progress on the course.    
Every year many new students who start BTEC Business course enjoy the challenges and successfully achieved their award. Some do this the easy way; others make it harder for themselves. For those who want to be successful, here are some tips for you:
  • Know the structure of your course and have a good understanding of what your course is about
  • know the type of BTEC qualification your are studying.
  • How many credits your qualification is worth.
  • The number of mandatory units you will study and what they cover.
  • How many credits the mandatory units are worth.
  • The number of optional units you need to study and the credits each unit is worth.

BTEC Level 3 National Diploma

Our BTEC Level 3 student on work placement

BTEC Level 3 National in Business qualification is highly valued by employers. It is a vocational or work related qualification. This means that learners gain specific knowledge and understanding relevant to their chosen area. It gives them lots of advantages when they start work or progress to University.  At Crown Woods College, BTEC level 3 Business learners will study the following units in the First year:

Mandatory Units:
Unit 1: The Business environment - worth 10 credits
Unit 2: Business Resources - worth 10 credits
Unit 3: Introduction to marketing - worth 10 credits
Unit 4: Business Communication - worth 10 credits

Optional Units:
Unit 5: Business accounting - worth 10 credits
Unit 18: Managing a business event - worth 10 credits

It is compulsory for learners to pass all six units before progression to the Second year at Crown Woods College.